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Sunday, September 03, 2006

The History Of Born Of Ford Motor

The Dream Becomes a Business

Ford Motor Company entered the business world on June 16, 1903, when Henry Ford and 11 business associates signed the company's articles of incorporation. With $28,000 in cash, the pioneering industrialists gave birth to what was to become one of the world's largest corporations. Few companies are as closely identified with the history and development of industry and society throughout the 20th century as Ford Motor Company.
As with most great enterprises, Ford Motor Company's beginnings were modest. The company had anxious moments in its infancy. The earliest record of a shipment is July 20, 1903, approximately one month after incorporation, to a Detroit physician. With the company's first sale came hope—a young Ford Motor Company had taken its first steps.

Mass Production on the Line

Perhaps Ford Motor Company's single greatest contribution to automotive manufacturing was the moving assembly line. First implemented at the Highland Park plant (in Michigan, US) in 1913, the new technique allowed individual workers to stay in one place and perform the same task repeatedly on multiple vehicles that passed by them. The line proved tremendously efficient, helping the company far surpass the production levels of their competitors—and making the vehicles more affordable.

The First Vehicles

Henry Ford insisted that the company's future lay in the production of affordable cars for a mass market. Beginning in 1903, the company began using the first 19 letters of the alphabet to name new cars. In 1908, the Model T was born. 19 years and 15 million Model T's later, Ford Motor Company was a giant industrial complex that spanned the globe. In 1925, Ford Motor Company acquired the Lincoln Motor Company, thus branching out into luxury cars, and in the 1930's, the Mercury division was created to establish a division centered on mid-priced cars. Ford Motor Company was growing.

Becoming a Global Company

In the 50's came the Thunderbird and the chance to own a part of Ford Motor Company. The company went public and, on Feb. 24, 1956, had about 350,000 new stockholders. Henry Ford II's keen perception of political and economic trends in the 50's led to the global expansion of FMC in the 60's, and the establishment of Ford of Europe in 1967, 20 years ahead of the European Economic Community's arrival. The company established its North American Automotive Operations in 1971, consolidating U.S., Canadian, and Mexican operations more than two decades ahead of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Ford Motor Company started the last century with a single man envisioning products that would meet the needs of people in a world on the verge of high-gear industrialization. Today, Ford Motor Company is a family of automotive brands consisting of: Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin, and Volvo. The company is beginning its second century of existence with a worldwide organization that retains and expands Henry Ford's heritage by developing products that serve the varying and ever-changing needs of people in the global community
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The Indonesia Antique Transportation

The Indonesia formerly transport is Antique, so many public transport such as, horse, cow, bicycle, motorcycle, car, train,ship, plane, found in indonesia. The old public transport who used to past time is horse. Horse is public transport that mobile and could reach to the area that can,t reachable by another vehicle. They can pass cross to the Flores and hill without face difficulty .

Cart is vehicle that pull in by horse power. It is the traditional transportation which still using till now. It is nice transport, and I like also. The past time when I was child,I always use when I going to City. My residence is Little far from City,so when I using this transport needed taking time till 2 hours, but the problem is the horse residue is bad smell, why, because the passenger sit on the back of the horse.

The third generation public transport is bicycle, ohh nice transport, moved fast, easy to everywhere,light,you can use and when you found any block you lift it, or lift on your shoulder with easy, I like it, when i was childhood,I used it to go to school with many friends, so therefore I still remember, how I have been delighted, but now, everything only remembrance, and I always keep in my mind.

Motor bicycle is the motorcycle was powered by gasoline. It is move fast than bicycle, of course, the motorcycle is powered by engine. It,s difference between motorcycle with bicycle which powered by human power. Motorcycle riding is my hobby, because this vehicle is energetic, fast, and save than car, so it,s good to be use in the traffic road, because it can pass between each other car with easily, I think you like it also.

Car is vehicle with four wheel that powered also by gasoline,more bigger than motorcycle, more space, and could carrying many persons load. The indonesia car was antique, and very interesting, many people like to buy the antique car, some time the old car prices expensive than the new one, and only the rich man they can posses, I don,t know why the antique car instead of expensive than new one, and why many people looking for it.

Train is public transport with train coach that connected each other so they to be long. The old train powered by coal, so the accelerated is not too fast, even though, the speed fast than car, and will fast to arrive to the destination.

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Sepeda Motor Listrik

Sepeda motor merupakan alat transportasi yang paling dipilih setelah kenaikan harga BBM,kenapa tidak sejak dinaikkanya BBM,semua angkutan Umum yang biasa digunakan sehari-hari naik drastis,hal ini menyebabkan peningkatan anggaran biaya transportasi bagi para pekerja yang biasanya mengunakan Bis,taksi maupun ojek, Hal inilah yang menyebabkan kendaraan roda dua menjadi pilihan masyarakat.

Keadan ini pula ternyata terbaca oleh para mahasiswa Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya bekerjasama dengan mahasiswa ITS 10 Nopember Surabaya yang merasa prihatin menyikapi kenaikan harga BBM,maka merekapun menciptakan sepeda motor bertenaga listrik sebagai tenga alternative dari BBM yang disinyalir akan habis 20 tahun mendatang, alangkah menyenangkan jika mereka mampu menciptakan sepeda motor bertenaga udara, karena sumber udara tak akan habis-habisnya walapun dihirup tiap hari,jadi bisa lebih murah lagi dan mudah didapat dimana-mana . Menurut ketiga pengagasnya yaitu Yasikurun, M. Adi Jatmiko dan M. Yusuf,mereka menjelaskan bahwa Sepeda Motor Listrik (SML) ini mengubah motor pengerak AC( induksi) yang semula tiga phase menjadi sembilan phase dengan tujuan agar tidak mengairkan setrum yang membahayakan manusia.
Listrik power supply mengunakan listrik jenis aki 72 volt dengan memakai enam buah aki 12 volt yang dipasang secara seri,mereka juga mengunakan inferter untuk mengatur kecepatan motor penggerak. Cara kerjanya sangat sederhana yaitu tinggal menekan tombol yang ada dispedometer dan mematikannyapun juga sama yaitu tinggal tekan tombol itu juga. Jika baterai telah habis dapat discharge dan dibutuhkan waktu 1 jam untuk mendinginkan baterai sebelum digunakan lagi .

Menurut dewan pengembangan PENS-ITS Ir. Nonot Harsono MT,menegaskan bahwa sebagaian dari 240 mahasiswa PENS-ITS dari empat jurusan (elektronik,teknik industri, telekomunikasi, dan elektronik industri) yang diikutsertakan dalam pameran TA.

Meskipun hasil karya mereka masih kelihatan sederhana,setidaknya bentuk kepedulian mereka sangat harus kita hargai sebagai seorang calong teknologi bangsa kita sendiri, kalau tidak kita siapa lagi,tentunya masih dibutuhkan keterlibatan sponsor untuk bisa menyempurankan hasil kerja mereka.
Terima kasih para masiswa yang berkreativitas, tingkatkan prestasimu agar tidak ketingalan sama bangsa lain,majulah indonesiaku.
(disadur dari media Indonesia on-line,dengan mengunakan bahasa sendiri tanpa mengurangi makna dan tujuan dari penulis)

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History of the Invention of Honda Motor

Soichiro Honda ( Honda Sōichirō, November 17, 1906–August 5, 1992) was the founder of the Honda Motors company and was born in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan.

Honda spent his early childhood helping his father, Gihei, a blacksmith, with his bicycle repair business. At the time his mother, Mika, was a weaver. At 15, without any formal education, Honda arrived in Tokyo to look for work. He obtained an apprenticeship at a garage in 1922, and after some vacillation over his employment, he stayed for six years, working as a car mechanic before returning home to start his own auto repair business in 1928 at the age of 22.

In 1948 Honda began producing motorcycles as president of the Honda Motor Company. Honda turned the company into a billion-dollar multinational that produced the best-selling motorcycles in the world. Honda's excellent engineering and clever marketing resulted in Honda motorcycles out-selling Triumph and Harley-Davidson in their respective home markets. In 1959 Honda Motorcycles opened its first dealership in the United States.

Honda remained president until his retirement in 1973, stayed on as director, and was appointed "supreme adviser" in 1983. His legendary status was such that People magazine placed him on their "25 Most Intriguing People of the Year" list for 1980, dubbing him "the Japanese Henry Ford." In retirement Honda busied himself with work connected with the Honda Foundation. He died in 1992 from liver failure

A dream

Throughout his life, Soichiro Honda never forgot the day he became a small figure who ran hopelessly after the first motor car he ever saw.

Long before it actually reached Yamahigashi, a small village in Japan's Shizuoka prefecture (now called Tenryu-shi), its own extraordinary noise heralded its imminent arrival. The small boy who heard the rumble was at first astonished, then excited, and finally enthralled, by it.

Later he would describe that moment as one of those life-changing experiences. He was seeing his first car, and as he began to tremble the closer it drew, and the dust cloud of its passage engulfed him, something inside him was triggered off.

"I turned and chase after that car for all I was worth," he said later. "I could not understand how it could move under its own power. And when it had driven past me, without even thinking why I found myself chasing it down the road, as hard as I could run."

He had no chance of catching it, and the experience became a symbol for his life: always he was chasing something that was just beyond his reach. By the time the road was empty and the car long departed, the young boy continued to stand there breathing in its gasoline stench. When he came upon a drop of its precious lifeblood spilled on the dusty track, he dropped to his knees and sniffed the oily stain like a man in a desert smelling water.

Early years

Soichiro Honda was born in Yamahigashi on November 17 1906. His father, Gihei Honda, was the local blacksmith but could turn his hands to most things, including dentistry when the need arose. His mother, Mika, was a weaver.

Honda's subsequent spirit of adventure and determination to explore the development of new technology had its roots in his childhood. The family was not wealthy, but Gihei Honda instilled into his children the ethic of hard work, and a love of mechanical things. Soichiro soon learned how to whet the blades of farm machinery, and how to make his own toys. A nearby rice mill was powered by a small engine, and the noise fascinated him. He would demand daily that his grandfather take him to watch it in action. At school he got the nickname 'black nose weasel', which is less derogatory in Japanese than it sounds in English, because his face was always dirty from helping his father in the forge.

Soichiro Honda's childhood days are full of examples of technical ingenuity, including using a bicycle pedal rubber to forge his family's seal on school reports that were less than promising.

The bicycles had another use: those that his father sold from the shop he subsequently opened helped Honda to hone his engineering skills. As he grew, the dream of the car on the country road acted like a magnetic force, drawing him ever closer towards things mechanical. In 1917 a pilot called Art Smith flew into the Wachiyama military airfield to demonstrate his biplane's aerobatic capabilities. Honda raided the family's petty cash box, 'borrowed' one of his father's bicycles and rode the 20 kilometers to a place he had never before visited. When he got there he soon realized that the price of admission, let alone a flight, was far beyond his meagre means, but after climbing a tree he watched the plane in motion, and that was enough. When Gihei Honda learned what his son had done to get to the airfield, he was more impressed with his initiative, determination and resilience than he was angry with him for taking the money and the bike.

Art Shokai

By 1922 Honda was working in an auto shop in Tokyo called Art Shokai. Initially he had done menial tasks, but more and more he became a trusted mechanic. He worked on the racing car Art Daimler, then the famous machine born from the marriage of a Curtiss aircraft engine and an American Mitchell chassis. The need to make parts for this monster taught him things that would be invaluable later in life.

When Shinichi Sakibahara raced the car for the first time at Tsurumi, and won the Chairman's Trophy, the young man riding alongside as his mechanic was Soichiro Honda. He was 17 years old.

As customers brought in Mercedes, Lincolns and Daimlers for attention, Honda's experience grew in proportion with his ambition. Four years after that first race he started his own Art Shokai auto shop in Hamamatsu. It opened its doors for business on the day that, thousands of miles away on Daytona Beach, Frank Lockhart crashed to his death trying to break the land speed record. April 25, 1928. The American track star and the Japanese kid lived in different worlds but had much in common besides their willingness to take a risk. Lockhart's mechanical genius had set new standards for record car design, and in the years that followed Soichiro Honda's own technological ideas would similarly revolutionize Japan's motorcycle and automobile industries.

Yet Honda himself never sought dominance in his homeland. At a time when nationalism was at its peak, he always saw the bigger picture. "I knew that if I could succeed in the world market," he said, "then automatically it would follow that we led in the Japanese market."

Honda Motor Co. Ltd.

Employees in the Art Shokai shop soon came to understand that sloppy workmanship and poor performance would not be tolerated, but while Honda's tool-hurling antics did not always encourage loyalty, those who stayed recognized his total determination to succeed and to establish an engineering business second to none. And Honda was sufficiently aware of his own managerial shortcomings. Honda Motor Co. Ltd. was established in September 1948, initially to build small capacity motorcycles to get Japanese workers mobile. Honda focused his considerable energies on the engineering side, using all the experience he had painstakingly accumulated, including time out taken to study piston ring design at Hamamatsu tech and subsequent experimentation with a small engine-powered bicycle. He left the running of the company in the hands of Takeo Fujisawa, his most trusted friend, and urged him to look to the long-term. They complemented one another perfectly.

When the first fruits of their partnership hit the streets, it was a 98 cc two-stroke motorcycle appropriately named 'Dream'.

Several times Honda Motor Co. sailed close to the rocks in the years that followed, for both Honda and Fujisawa were gamblers who knew that expansion would only be possible with risk. Growth at one stage was unprecedented, until the purchase of state-or-the-art machinery in the early Fifties led them perilously close to bankruptcy. But Honda was never faint-hearted.

This section needs an update

Later, when the Juno bike flopped and bankruptcy again beckoned, his reaction was to embark on the Tourist Trophy race program that would eventually make Honda's name as an international motorcycle manufacturer. It took him five years, but by 1959 Hondas were racing on the Isle of Man. Two years later they were the talk of the TT.

In 2000, Honda's management again made clear just how determined it is to win again in F1. The first effort, with the 1.5 liter V12 of 1964, came good just as the small-bore formula was ending. The subsequent three-liter V12 was over-engineered and far too heavy, yet won the Italian GP with John Surtees in 1967. But Honda's next effort brought domination throughout the late Eighties and the early Nineties, until Renault's arrival crossed over with Honda's decision to pull back in 1992.

Now once again Honda expects victories, this time from BAR and Jordan, prior to an all-out championship challenge in 2002. Such uncompromising ambition is a fundamental part of the legacy bequeathed by its founder, who died in Tokyo's Juntendo Hospital on August 5 1991, aged 84 years and eight months. "Racing is in our blood," former president Nobuhiko Kawamoto once admitted.

Soichiro Honda was the prototypical F1 engineer. He was always probing new limits of technology, always seeking better and greater feedback from the men who rode or drove the machines that bore his name. He preached the gospel that ambition was no sin, and that success was the reward for hard work and investment. Honda was the first major manufacturer to understand that motorsport was the perfect crucible in which to develop not just superior machines, but superior engineers, and today every global player in the F1 game rotates its engineers through its motorsport programs. 

Last years

Yet there was more than even that to Honda. He and his wife Sachi both held private pilot's licences, he was still skiing, hang-gliding and ballooning at 77, and he was a highly accomplished artist. And he was a man of rare understanding. He had never wanted to follow his father in the smithy or the bicycle shop, and he and Fujisawa made a pact never to force their own sons to join the company.

Today Honda continues to leave honorable footprints in the motorsport sand, for it has been racing ever since that day in 1917 when Soichiro Honda left his own footprints chasing an automobile - and a dream - down a dusty road that had no end.

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Motor Honda Memperluas Jaringan

Honda Motor Co. akan membangun sebuah pabrik sepeda motor baru di India melalui sebuah usaha patungan. Pembangunan pabrik baru itu sebagai upaya untuk semakin mengukuhkan posisi Honda sebagai pemimpin pasar, menurut sebuah laporan, Minggu. Sejumlah 19 miliar rupee (US$420 juta) akan diinvestasikan di pabrik tersebut pada 2010, yang akan memiliki kapasitas produksi tahunan 1,5 juta unit sepeda motor, tulis harian bisnis Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Pabrik baru itu akan dibangun oleh Hero Honda Motors, di mana 26 persen sahamnya dimiliki Honda Jepang. Pabrik baru itu akan berlokasi di Haridwar di negara bagian Uttaranchal, 200 kilometer arah baratlaut New Delhi.

Dengan investasi baru itu, Honda akan meningkatkan produksi tahunan di India sekitar 50 persen menjadi 7 juta unit, termasuk yang diproduksi Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India (HMSI). Dua perusahaan afiliasi Honda itu akan menguasai 60 persen pangsa pasar sepeda motor di India, di mana Hero Honda saat ini menguasai 42,1 persen dan HMSI 7,8 persen.
(media Indonesia,On-Line)

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The brief History Of Born Of Motor

Motor Car
A motor car is road vehicle. It is powered by an internal combustion engine. The inventions that made the motor car possible were by three German engineers. Nicolaus Otto,in 1876, invented a gas engine, in 1885, Gottieb Daimler adapted Otto's engine to use petrol. Kaimler and Carl Benz built motor cars in the same year. Benz used an engine he had built himself. The first Daimler and Benz motor cars were slow and unreliable.
Motor Scooter

A motor scooter is alight-weight motorcycle driven by small motor engine. It is designed for short journeys in towns and cities. The motor scooter was inveted in italy in the 1950s. Motor scooter can not go very fast, but they can weave in and out of traffic.


A motorcycle is a two-wheeled vehicle driven by a petrol engine . It is steered by turning the handlebars. Large motorcylcles can carry passenger seat behind the driver which is called the pillion. Gottieb Daimler made the first motorcycle in 1885. The early motorcycles have been invented by Daimler were very simple, slow and uncomfortable to ride. The first company to make motorcycles for sale was Hildebrande and Wolfmuller of Germany in about 1890.

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